Talent Cluster is an online community that aggregates New Zealand talents and companies all in one place
Enhancing CV quality is an on-going way. We aggregate all latest CV tips and expression to guide you unlock all CV secret. Let's get started!
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Read MoreThe only way to pass the technical interview is to know what questions will be asked. We summarise the frequent Q&A for your reference.
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Talent Cluster is aggregating latest New Zealand job vacancies everyday. Based on talents' profile, those top-ranking profiles will be smartly recommended to the company dashboard.
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Enter your key words, let AI-recruiters do the job for you. If you are looking for a talent with specific skill sets, qualifications, professional industrial background or similar positions. Smart AI-Recruiter will identify those best-fit candidates and recommend to you based on your needs and priorities.
The biggest talent community in New Zealand, you are the part of TC.
From internship, project-based roles to permanent jobs for talents to apply.
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